I decided a couple of days ago that I really wanted to see the sea (no doubt something to do with growing up on the coast and then going to live in the part of the country which is furthest from the sea!) Surprisingly I managed to persuade the rest of the family that this would be a good idea, so we set off to Sutton-on-Sea early this morning in the mist, as we had been assured sunny spells later on by BBC Weather. We got there at coffee time and then set off for a long walk along the beach to Mablethorpe. It was a tad blowy but great fun, particularly as we had taken a football with us and were practising passing (having to aim about 20 degrees off to take account of the wind!)
By the time we arrived on the outskirts of Mablethorpe we needed more coffee. We then headed off into the centre (which was very reminiscent of the bit of Weston-S-Mare around Mr B's - loads of amusement arcades, sweet shops and takeaways). We spent a very enjoyable half hour or so in one of the arcades, finding coins in the trays of penny cascades which we promptly fed back into the machines (winning a bit on the way, but ultimately losing the lot!)
We had fish and chips for lunch in a little cafe with plactic tablecloths and mugs of tea - fantastic! Set us up nicely for a spot of paddling when we got back to Sutton (and the sun was just peeping through a little)
All in all it was a pretty fab day - even with frostbitten toes. Forgot the camera again but the phone photos aren't too bad.
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