We had a fabulous time on our narrowboat last week and managed to avoid most of the nasty weather that the rest of the country was getting. We did decide to cut it short by one night though when our last day was hit by a monsoon!
We stopped at Chester on the way to the boatyard and had a walk around the old city walls - beautiful place. Then we picked up the boat in the afternoon just outside Whitchurch. Over the next three days we pootled along the canal to Llangollen (last time I was there was 22 years ago representing St Brendan's in a choir festival while everyone else in the world was listening to Live Aid!) On the way we crossed two aquaducts - the bigger of the two was 150 feet high and 1000 feet across - and sailed through three tunnels.
It was a bit nerve-racking at first getting used to controlling a 50 foot long, 18 tonne narrowboat, having to steer around 5 mintues before you actually needed to turn and having to get it through around 50 bridges which were all only a few inches wider than the boat. But by the middle of the week Joe was doing it! Here are some photos