Friday 30 April 2010

Luke's artistic side

Joe has just returned from 3 days away at Crich with the school. Luke has just got back from School with some of his artwork - very Andy Warhol! I think he said they were both self-portraits but I might have got that slightly wrong.

Blake Cakes!

Anita, Noel, Alex, Oliver and Amelia walked up the hill to visit us the other evening bringing a whole box of Anita's fabulous cakes (including some with toffee injected into the middle - absolute Heaven!) They also brought a bottle of bubbly which was still pretty cold, so it got drunk (we didn't though!)
Anita is an Aga expert and was able to give us some much needed advice on using it. We do have an electric hob but we have been advised not to touch it for now by an electrician as it isn't properly earthed!

Sunday 25 April 2010

Burton House

We're here! It has been a hectic few days. We were homeless for around 3 hours on Friday, as we had moved out of Woodland Avenue and received our buyers money, but we our money had not been received by our sellers' solicitor (it was moving slowly through some bank somewhere). Finally picked up the key at 3.30pm and then had to peg it back from Loughborough with it to let the removal men in.

We have spent most of the weekend unpacking and getting shipshape. They had left the house in a right mess, it was absolutely filthy. But it is fantastic, so we just don't care! Last night we ate outside on one of the patios! Lovely.

Joe had a brief interlude today, joining in with the St George's Day parade. Fortunately the rain held off.

Saturday 10 April 2010

Bradgate Park

What a fabulous day today. Joe is on a Scout camp this weekend and being very lucky with the weather. Luke, Elaine and I went to explore some parts of Bradgate Park that we have not seen before - following a geocache treasure hunt (one where you have to find clues in order to find the digits for the location of the cache). Great fun!

Monday 5 April 2010

Easter Monday

After a lazy Easter Sunday we took a trip out to Gates' Garden Centre this morning and had some fun with Luke's phone in the coffee shop. Want to see what was so funny? How about these:

What a handsome family!