Friday 29 April 2011

Easter Hols

It seems incredible that the cousins were having hosepipe fights in Bristol less than a week ago - we're back in jumpers now!

Yesterday we went in search of some of the new geocaches that have popped up nearby and found this pillbox - not a river of a main road in sight. Very strange!

Joe escaped to the skate park this morning with his friend, Jordan, while we were all cheering on Will and Kate. They did lots of boys stuff this afternoon as well - exploring the woods, dodging paint ballers, trampolining and pitching a tent! They are sleeping in it tonight, so I guess it will be an early morning...

Monday 11 April 2011

A Wonderful Weekend

On Saturday Luke and Joe were both taking part in a judo competition in Leicester. There were a lot of boys in Joe's weight category, so even though he won one of his 3 fights he missed out on medal. Luke had a smaller group and only lost one fight so he was awarded the silver medal (which looks very like a trophy!). This is a clip of his best throw, unfortunately partially hidden by the ref. Luke's usual - wait for the other guy to try to throw you, then use their momentum to bury them!

When we got back we finally managed to put together Elaine's swinging settee (bought with all those Christmas and birthday vouchers). It suits her...

We had a campfire dinner on Saturday night, complete with sausages on sticks, potatoes in the embers and toasted marshmallows. Lovely. On Sunday, we had a day gardening (I really need a gardener!) and then had an impromptu BBQ/campfire with the Blakes in the evening. All in all, a wonderful weekend.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Scout of the Month

a Joe was awarded Scout of the Month last night because he had achieved the most points over the month. It's all to do with the work he has put in as a Patrol Leader in organising activities, badge work and other good stuff. Joe gets to wear the Scout of the Month woggle for the month! The plaque now has pride of place on our mantlepiece. a Joe also received two more badges last night and is just two badges away from his Gold Chief Scout Award. What a star!