Sunday 27 December 2009

Christmas 2009

Just got back from a wonderful few days in Hook. Santa did us all proud, as did Mike with some fabulous catering.

Grandad seems to be reverting to childhood - joining in with the horseplay now rather than trying to put a stop to it! Whatever next.

Tuesday 22 December 2009

Christmas comes early

Grannykim and Grandad called in on Sunday on their way to Ragdale Hall for a few days relaxation and pampering. We also had Grandma Margaret over for a Christmas dinner rehearsal. OK, so it was roast pork rather than turkey, but we had bubbly!

Later on we had more snow (fortunately after Ma and Pa had arrived at Ragdale), so a good excuse for a bit of exercise throwing snow balls. Most of the kids in the street were involved at some point.

Saturday 19 December 2009


It snowed on and off all day yesterday. Fortunately the boys had a half day, so they were back in Melton before it started getting dicey on the roads (and icy).

This is what it was like this morning when we ventured out into town.

Felt quite Christmassy - particularly when we came across this little chap in the churchyard:

Sunday 6 December 2009

Christmas Trees in the Church

It's that time of year again when Elaine and a few hundred other people try to get creative with Christmas trees. The annual Christmas Trees in the Church event.

This year, the theme was the X Factor, as in the Church Street Practice has the X Factor!