Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Thursday, 25 October 2007
Pork Pie Fair and Grandma Margaret's
We were in town early this morning for the Pork Pie Fair only to find that most of the rides were not opening until 11.30am! Still, that meant we had time to visit Poundland (hurrah!) and to have a drink at Cafe Nero.
In the afternoon I had to go to Leicester to do an audit for Croner (of my old boss, Roman - weird) and Elaine and the kids went to visit Grandma Margaret. She was delighted to see them all and Katie enjoyed looking around her flat and admiring all her knick-knacks.
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Nottingham Trip

Monday, 22 October 2007
Swimming and Swans

It was just me and the monkies today, as Elaine was working. We had a good time in the swimming baths this morning and managed to last over an hour before Freddie's lips turned blue (they really need to get the heating sorted out).
This afternoon we had a long walk around the lake in the country park and met some very curious swans that turned a bit hissy when they figured out that we really didn't have any bread. Joe thought they were even more scary than the geese that chased us at the Wymondham windmill a couple of years ago (I still have nightmares).
We finally made it to the playground for lots of fun before trudging back to the car thoroughly worn out. Here are the photos.
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Little and Not So Little Visitors

GrannyKim and Grandad, Freddie and Katie all came to visit this weekend, in fact Freddie and Katie are staying with us for almost the whole of the half term week. On Saturday afternoon they call came to see the show and thoroughly enjoyed Thoroughly Modern Millie!
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Thoroughly Modern Millie

As you can (hopefully) tell, I am playing the part of a chinaman (Ching Ho) and I, along with my (much older) brother, Bun Foo, provide plenty of comedy. Our lines are all in Cantonese and our songs in Mandarin, and we have taken a great deal of pride in getting our pronunciation as near-perfect as possible. The director's wife is Chinese, and she assures us we are doing pretty well!
Mrs Meers is in the picture with us. She is the baddie in the show - drugging vulnerable young women and shipping them off into white slavery in Hong Kong. Boo, hiss!
Monday, 1 October 2007
Joe's Night Hike