I got a call from the Volvo dealer yesterday to tell me my car would be delivered on Friday (my birthday). So I called the insurance company and arranged to change it over and to cover the Skoda for a couple more weeks while I try to sell it. I then had to go and visit one my clients based in the sticks, so jumped in the car and headed off down the country lane that takes me there. Halfway there I was nearly hit by a tipper truck coming way too fast the other way round a bend, and some of his load landed with an almighty crash on top of my car! By the time I had finished taking evasive action he was a dot in my rearview mirror disappearing round another bend.
My car, which was looking quite clean and lovely having been tarted up for its appearance on the Autotrader
website is now covered in hundred of very noticeable scratches and the windscreen is cracked and chipped in 3 places (I got two chips repaired about 4 weeks ago). Have a
Update - Around £1400 plus VAT to repair it (including slight damage to sunroof, headlamp, radiator grill and mouldings). Bang goes my no claims bonus!