Sunday 1 April 2007

Murder Mystery!

Last night Elaine organised a murder mystery evening for us and some friends in the characters of (from left to right): Sven Garlic (and Bennie), the ventriloquist; Buster Gutts, the strongman; Anna Conda, the bearded lady (and snake-charmer); Raisa Legova, the Russian gypsy fortune-teller; Roger the ringmaster; and Wanda Lust, the escape-artists assistant.

As you can see, our friends certainly got into the spirit of things, particularly Kevin (Buster) who no doubt provided the entertainment to our neighbours when he arrived. Raisa (Shirley) was the only one to deduce correctly who the murderer was (herself). I thought I had done it! It was lots of fun and we had lots of good food and wine which made it even better.

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