Monday 19 May 2008

Birthday Treat - 2

We all woke bleary-eyed this morning after our tiring day out at Alton Towers, to find that Lisa had given birth to 4 tiny, but perfectly formed, baby guinea pigs! As Joe put it, they look like heads and bums on legs!

We weren't sure when they were due, as Lisa had spent quite a few weeks with Benny from next door, but she had been rather large lately so we suspected they would come around Joe's birthday. As you will see from the photos they are a mixture of colours and patterns. We can't handle them for the first day or so, so we are not sure how many boys and girls we have. We hope to have at least one girl so that we can keep her (and so that she can provide Lisa with some company). We will then need to find good homes for the other three in around 8 weeks' time.

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