Sunday, 28 December 2008
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Stomping on Burrough Hill
Us boys went for a blow the cobwebs away stomp around Burrough Hill and bumped into the hunt on the way round. Luke and Joe kept referring to them as "The upper class" - probably because they all said "Hair-lair" as they rode by. This chap told me that they were actually after a real fox (which of course is slightly illegal now) as he tapped the side of his nose.
We picked up the turkey on the way home and made the giblet stock on our return. Joe and I polished off the liver pretty quick (yum). The stuffing is now all made as well, just need to pop to town tomorrow now to buy all the stuff we forgot to buy at the weekend and today!
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Theringtone Family Christmas preparations
We've decided to go with the flow and acknowledge that Christmas is coming - well Elaine actually started preparing in June I think, but I did most of my Christmas shopping on line the day before the busiest on line shopping day of the year.
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Elaine's Christmas Tree
Monday, 1 December 2008
Sunday, 30 November 2008
The Judo Champ
Friday, 21 November 2008
Even Better News
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Good News and Bad News
Sunday, 2 November 2008
Hook Bonfire Party
We had a very damp but enjoyable weekend in Hook for Halloween/Guy Fawkes. Mike had loads of guests around on Saturday night for a bonfire party but it rained pretty much all day and we were worried that the party would literally turn out to be a damp squib! But much to everyone's amazement the fire lit first time and the fireworks were fab.
More pics.
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Our first Geocache
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
What a Ragged Child!
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Silver Chief Scout Award for Joe
Lisa's First Birthday
Monday, 15 September 2008
Bronze Medal for Luke

On Saturday Luke and I travelled to Kidderminster (to the south-west of Birmingham) so that Luke could take part in a judo competition. Neither of us had very high hopes, as Luke is still quite new and just on his second mon (red belt with one tag).
We were supposed to arrive for 11am but got there about half an hour early. When we got there the girls were still competing and their competition finally ended around 1pm. Then it was the turn of the boys - but Luke's name wasn't called! Although he was below 40 kg, he was put in the higher group because they had too many smaller kids. Whilst we were waiting some of the bigger boys arrived and I noticed Luke go slightly paler than normal!
Finally at around 2.15pm Luke was on. In his first bout he was taken by surprise and very quickly got knocked out. He looked quite put out and dejected at that point, but I noticed a steely glint in his eye when he stepped up for his second bout! He was amazing - he grabbed his opponent by the labels and started spinning him round the floor before tripping him onto his back and pinning him to the floor. He managed to hold him down for the count (25 seconds) to win the bout. See the video below for a rather distorted idea (phone cam!) Luke is in the white belt.
Luke's third bout was a real marathon. He managed to get his opponent down at one point but he managed to wriggle free. After another wrestling match, Luke got him down again and went to pin him. Unfortunately, though, his opponent spun as he fell and managed to end up with Luke underneath him. Luke counted get free and was counted out. It was a close one!
The end result - Luke got a well-earned bronze medal and, I think it is fair to say, a real boost to his confidence. He can't wait for the next competition! Before then, however, he is going for regrading on 24th September and may well get his third mon.
Friday, 5 September 2008
Glam rock and flares
Last weekend Elaine and I went to a 70s night with our friends Kevin and Debbie, and Kevin and Shirley. Debbie (who organised the tickets) assured us that fancy dress was mandatory. Iwas going to risk it and not bother dressing up (seeing as my formative years were during the 80s and I didn’t, therefore, have any 70s gear!) but Debbie shamed me so much and told me that I would be the only one not dressed up that I called upon Elaine’s stepbrother, Dean, to come to the rescue. Dean’s formative years were during the 90s but he seems to have spent most of that time going to 70s parties!
Anyway, in the end we all got dressed up only to find that fancy dress was actually optional and that (at first) we were the only ones dressed up! Thankfully quite a few people turned up later wearing a wide range of 70s gear.
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Arillas 2008
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Monday, 14 July 2008
Summer - briefly

Friday, 4 July 2008
Woodland Avenue Street Party
Visit to Hook Mansion
Monday, 9 June 2008
Mum's Birthday
Friday, 30 May 2008

Alien coming

I think this should have a 15 certificate! Would you believe that this is Joe's mouth - look at all those teeth! You know what they say about sharks having several rows of teeth which move replace those that get worn out...
Joe needs a brace as they are starting to go a bit wonky, but the NHS funding has run out until next April! Apparently he will be alright to wait until then, so we won't have to fork out £500 for private treatment (phew!)
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Views from the church tower

Sunday, 25 May 2008
Judo King!
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
And finally - the birthday itself!
Monday, 19 May 2008
Birthday Treat - 2
Birthday Treat
Monday, 12 May 2008
Two sunny weekends
Sunday, 4 May 2008
April catch-up
Time seems to be flying at the moment - I can't believe my last post was a month ago. Joe has been getting really into football recently. This is him after playing for the school (they got thrashed unfortunately!) but he has also been playing in a few friendlies with a local team (Mowbray Rangers) and is hoping to play some proper matches with them next season.
Joe has also been doing a lot of cub activities. He has cooked a meal for his cookery badge and he took part in his first St George's Day Parade a couple of weeks ago.
Luke has been doing well in his judo. He went for a few days away with the school last week to Crich in Derbyshire and had a great time (but not much sleep). He clearly hasn't done anything photogenic though if our photos are anything to go by!
Elaine got back today from a couple of days in the Cotswolds with Debbie. They had a good time but now realise just how unfit they really are. Elaine can hardly walk! As I type she is lying in the bath recovering. It must be pretty tiring keeping those enormous heads upright when on horseback (look at the photos and you will see what I mean)!
The boys and I went on a historical journey through Leicester today which was a lot of fun. We visited the Guildhall, the Jewry Wall and the Castle Gardens, and even somehow took in Dominos toy shop!
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
The Nottingham Eye
Easter in Bristol
Sunday, 16 March 2008
The Judo Master
Oh all right then - Judo red belt! Luke has been going to judo for the last 4 or 5 weeks and has decided it is definitely for him. It better be, because we have just bought him this very snazzy outfit. He was throwing people all over the place on Saturday, which was very impressive, but not quite as impressive as his performance on the "island" (made of three crash mats pulled together) where all the children in his group have to try to push each other off whilst retaining their own place. Luke managed to fight of all comers until there were just him and three girls left!!
Sunday, 9 March 2008
Guinea Pig News
Duelling moustaches
Sunday, 24 February 2008
Captain Bertorelli
Sunday, 10 February 2008
Bradgate Park Monkeys
Monday, 4 February 2008
Happy Birthday Elaine
Sunday, 27 January 2008
Watermead Park
A rare sunny day so we headed somewhere new to stretch our legs today. This place is right next to the Grand Union Canal as it heads into Leicester. Loads of lakes and walks (and geese). Next time we will take the bikes as there are lots of cycle tracks and plenty of space to cycle (bit windy today for it). Nice to feel the breeze in my 'tache!
Sunday, 20 January 2008
Do I look Italian in this?
Sunday, 13 January 2008
Rutland Water
We decided to get some fresh air yesterday, as it looked like it was going to be the only dry day for a while. So we went for a potter round Rutland Water. We couldn't go far because Joe twisted his ankle at cubs playing dodgeball on Tuesday and it is still giving him problems. In fact it was so cold that we only lasted a few minutes before jumping back in the car and heading home for a cuppa!